Manufacturers Represented

Excitation control, Voltage regulation, Protection & Control Relaying

Brooks Utility Products

Indicative Seals, Sealing and Locking Rings, Metering Accessories, Meter Socket Safety, Primary Cabinets


Engineered prefabricated enclosures, Utility control houses, Energy storage enclosures

Transmission & Distribution Switches, Motor operators for T&D applications

Cooper Power Systems

Transformers, Reclosers, Regulators, Capacitors, Distribution Switchgear, Network Protectors, Elbows


Packaged substations, Factory-built substations, Prefabricated bus

LV and MV switchgear, MCC, Legacy OEM equipment support, Engineering Services, Turn-key Projects

Howard Lighting

Security/Area, Roadway, Floods, High-bay, Photo Controls, LED Lamps, HID Lamps


Fiberglass Trench Covers and Box Pads

Prysmian Draka
General cable

Low, Medium & High Voltage Cable and Accessories. Bare and Covered Conductors. Fiber Optic Cable. Power, Control & Instrument Cable

Rainbow Technology

Utility chemical and safety products

Rex power Magnetics

Dry-type Transformers (Cast Coil, VPI and VPE)

Sabre Industries

Tubular steel poles for Transmission & Distribution Applications. Substation Structures

Supplier of high-quality utility power connectors


Composite poles for lighting applications

MV & HV Instrument Transformers, Air core reactors, Station service VT’s, Line conditioners and tuners

Transmission, Distribution & Substation Porcelain, Glass and Polymer Insulators


PVC Conduit & Fittings, HDPE and FRE Composite

Creative Pultrusions

Composite utility poles, light poles and crossarms

Stark Tech Industries


Electric Utility Lighting Brackets, Utility Anchors

Fiberglass Line Hardware

Fiberglass conductor supports, equipment mounting brackets, down lead brackets and Sectionalizers


Energized Tower Raising, Corrosion Services, Transmission Line Engineering


Manufacturer of AC& DC UPS, Inverters, Battery Chargers, Rectifiers, Accessories